
Standard deviation abstract

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Standard Deviation Abstract

Standard Deviation Abstract
Standard Deviations Are Not Perverse
The purpose of this article is to illustrate how using statistical data, such as standard deviation, can help a cattleman choose the best lot of calf’s at auction. The statistical data used in these decision making processes can also help the cattleman with future analysis of the lots purchased and existing stock.
Research Question:
How can understanding the standard deviation of weights in a lot of calf’s be used to determine which lot should be purchased?
The hypothesis proposed in this article is that in using the group average and standard deviation a cattleman can choose a lot of calf’s …show more content…

For example a customer can complain about the service received and the employee can try their best to make the situation better this is where double deviation plays. There is no right way to make the situation better, it just has to be handled and keep it moving with the service to make the business move forward.
The research questions(s):
What is the best way to handle a complaint or something that went wrong with the question?
The hypothesis:
To come together with the business and come up with different ways to handle different situations that may come up with handling the customers. Brainstorm about different ways to solve the questions if a customer is dissatisfied with their service. Make sure that the customers leaves satisfied and to make it a possibly that they will come back.
The main finding of the study:
If the customer can be recovered a second time, after the same unfavorable service experience, it represents a double service recovery, whereas a failure of this outcome or process constitutes a triple deviation. The concepts of double service recovery and triple deviation thus extend the well‐known concepts of service recovery and double deviation. Because customers seldom are pleased with service recoveries (Rust et al., 1992), double deviations are frequent, often caused by the same factors that initiated the first failure.
Relative deviation metrics and the problem of strategy replication,

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