
St. Augustine Research Paper

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The past is an essential part of growing societies and the natural world around us. Without small, memorable fragments in earlier years, there would be no beginning to the growing building blocks we've continued to developed as history. St. Augustine being an immense part of Florida's origin is a major building block in today's world, which was established by Pedro Menendez de Aviles and the help of his soldiers, other men and women who had been by his side throughout his voyage. A few decades previously, ponce de Leon had claimed Florida for Spain but no major markings were left behind by any spaniards since. Many attempts had been set out, but sadly there was yet to have one triumph up until September of 1565. Pedro Menendez de Aviles had marked the …show more content…

There were many violent exchanges between the imperial forces of France and Spain, for king philip feared they could have possibly lost their territory to the French who were settling around what we now call Jacksonville. To prevent this from happening king Philip ordered menndez to fufill the duty of eliminating all French Lutherans they were to come across. With this being said, as soon as Menendez and his men reached land they settled in the area of St. Augustine then immediately attacked the French's quarters, fort Catherine. Not too long after their siege, a ship carried by a man named Ribault was back to supply the now dead people of fort Catherine unaware of the tragedy of what had just happened. Ribault's ships encountered an enormous storm wiping out a tremendous amounts of their supplies, causing them to shipwreck on the coast of matanzas inlet. Nearby Indians had warned Menendez immediately and shortly after fulfilled his promise to the king by executing the last of the Lutherans and establishing St. Augustine in honor of

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