
Springfield Area Case Study

Decent Essays

1. Are you new to the Springfield area? If so, does the description of the Springfield area seem accurate to you? If not, how do the issues presented in this report compare to your home area?
I was born in Dallas, Texas and moved to Denver, Colorado when I was three, and when I turned twelve we moved to Willard, Missouri. I am now 25 so Springfield is not really a new area for me but when I first moved here is was defiantly a place I had to get used to. I not only went from the city and a stop light right outside my bedroom window to living in the country on a farm but I also went from very divers cities to being a major minority. Springfield was described to me as a beautiful small town, compared to big cities like Denver and Dallas Springfield is truly a small town for me. Growing I was very sheltered so I saw that I was a minority but as far as the need in this town I never really noticed it until my husband and I started mentoring troubled youth and I started seeing the drug use, high school drop outs, and low income that comes with broken homes.
2. What aspects of this report interest you with regard to future research? Why?
Mentoring troubled youth and volunteering with a church planting organization I see a lot of child abuse and neglect …show more content…

The report had a lot of information and it allowed one to see Springfield is defiantly in need of improvement. I think a weakness in this report is that it stated issues like public safety, education, and early childhood but it didn’t really show how it all may tie into each other. In my opinion for example I strongly believe parental drug use and illegal activity majorly impacts a child’s behavior. Also community programs can influence a child’s behavior and productivity if the program is affordable. You are able to see that these topics can in some way tie into each other but I feel that it was not emphasized

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