
Spread Of Islam Research Paper

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In the 1900's at the twilight of a fresh new century in the 700th year of its presence the Ottoman E, moire started to die a brutal, climatic death. The team that damaged this elder and once powerful state launched the Middle East, Europe, and the world, but this enhanced instability and chaos. The Ottoman Empire was one of the most triumphant empire in the Middle East until WW1, thats where it all began. During WW1 the Ottoman Empire took the side of the Central Powers, and they were against the Allied Powers. As the war went on the Central Powers were losing and continued to lose. So the war ends and the ryAllied Powers came out with the victory, and this leads to the Ottoman Empire being weakened strongly. However, after WW1 Britain and France went on to dividing the Empire, …show more content…

The first one I'm going to introduce to you is Islam. In the religion Islam they have the holy month of Ramadan and follow the story of Hagar and Ishmael. Islam six core beliefs is Allah, Angels, Holy Books- Quran, Prophets, Muhammad, Judgement Day, and Allah is all knowing. The 5 pillars of Islam Shahadah- sincerely reciting the Muslim procession of Faith, Salat- ritual prayer five times a fay, Zakat- charity to the poor, Sawm- fasting during Ramadan, and Hajj- pilgrimage to Mecca. Other common beliefs is polygamy which means women should cover up. for example, the Hijab which is the one where it covers the woman's head, neck, and arms. The Niqab is the one that covers the woman's whole face except for her eyes. The last one is the Burka, this one covers the woman's whole body. Then in the Islam religion it mostly consist of Sunni and Shiite Muslims, but they both had different beliefs about things. The Sunni Muslims believed in four Caliphs, and did not support Ayatollah Khomeini as a leader. However, the Shiite Muslims believed in only one true Caliph who was a descendent of Ali. They supported Ayatollah Khomeini as a

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