
Sports Injury Research Paper

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Sports Injury Paper Outline Extensive work in the EMS field and in training can eventually result in many different types of injuries. There are three different kinds of injuries that EMS faces in the field of practice that can result in injury such as back injuries, burns and trauma. Burns are a very common cause of harmful injuries and sometimes death in the field of EMS. It can occur by a number of different ways such as contact with fire, steam, hot objects, and contact with electrical sources or lighting. As well as “structure fires, vehicle fires, and brush fires, and includes to all actions from the instant of entrance at the scene to leaving” (Dermis) Other ways burns can happen on the job are when hazardous conditions …show more content…

Second degree burns will “break… the first layer of skin in the form of blistering and even bubbling as the secondary (papillary) layer of skin is breached and damaged” (“Burns”). The connective tissue and skin will shrink when in the healing stages and the fibrous connective tissue will start to become hard, resulting in stiffness and limited movement of the damaged joint ("Burn Rehabilitation."). The treatment for second degree burns is to use warm water for a few moments to reduce the pain and swelling and to clean to wound. After that sterile gauze needs to cover the wound. In burn management antibiotics, pain relievers, and fluids are given to patients. Tetanus shots are regularly given after any burn because of risk for infection. It is also important make sure that the injured area is kept clean during healing and understand that fluid loss will result if blood vessels are damaged and will result in shock. The burn should be administered surgically and patient must be taken to a burn center as soon as the burn occurs. Avoidance of scarring should be the goal of burn management. For every member of the burn team, rehabilitation must start from the time of injury. ("Rehabilitation after Burn Injury." BMJ, …show more content…

In this process the Patients must rest in a position of flexion, contracture and comfort. The patient must be put on a positioning regime which will take a lot of teamwork and commitment. The patient will need help to be an anti-contracture position all hours of the day except when exercising and performing functional activities (Proctor). The end goal of anti-contracture positioning will be to avoid the normal habit for flexion and will result in impact tissue length by restraining or constraining damage of ROM secondary to the expansion of scar tissue

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