I analyzed the paired clips from the movie Spirited Away. The movie clips start off with two parents and their daughter, Chihiro, wandering around what seems to be an abandoned village or town. The family eventually discovers a Japanese style restaurant with piles of freshly cooked food at the counter. However, nobody seems to be working at the restaurant that is apparently just as abandoned as the rest of the town. Without questioning who made the food, the two parents, seemingly overwhelmed by hunger, start chowing down on the unsupervised feast that lay before them. The daughter watches a few feet behind them imploring them to leave; she feels that the entire situation is amiss. The parents, too hungry to care about the fact nobody is there …show more content…
Individuals need to adopt better standards for themselves and for others when it comes to consumption. When you boil it down, money has all the power behind all of the societal-economic and environmental issues today. Consider the consumer for example. The more money the average consumer has, the greater their appetite for consumption is, whether it be iPhones, food, cars, houses, et cetera. With more consumption comes even more waste through wasted food, CO2 emissions, and many other things that are a detriment to the environment. The people who are better off don’t settle for what they need, they try to get everything that is possibly obtainable. This is just one side of the coin however. With a severe lack of wealth and extreme poverty, whole societies filled with people who can’t fulfill basic needs follow. This skewed wealth distribution creates even more problems within itself, such as arguing between parties about how to fix it, and even denial of the issues themselves. Hopefully more people will come to realize that these issues are a serious threat to our planet, the international economy, and Humanity in general, and maybe someone will be brave enough to step up and do something about
The brilliant animated film Spirited Away gets it magic from its dynamic and highly interesting characters. Characters such as Chihiro and Haku get more developed as the story moves forward, however the character No-Face does not show much personality throughout the film. No-Face shows all of his emotion through expressions and slight sounds, and is a fairly emotional character. While at first his intentions were unknown, it becomes increasingly clear as the story unfolds that No-Face is a spirit who lost his identity and is looking for his purpose.
As a nation we all participate in daily consumption of food, clothing, shelter and some sort of transportation. to survive. We are destroying our environment with waist. On average Americans disposed over 200,000 tons of edible food daily. Pollute our air and water, destroy our forest, just so we can drive the newest car or have the latest crafted oak furniture We use top soil to build malls, so people can consume even more. In "The shadows of Consumption, Peter Dauvergne explain the coast of consumption by globalized corporations, trade, and finance." (Dauvergne, Peter. The Shadows of Consumption: Consequences for the Global Environment. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2008. ).
The Prestige is a movie that shows the rivalry between magicians Alfred “The Professor” Borden and Robert “The Great Danton” Angier. Their struggle is expressed through class warfare: Borden as The Professor, a working-class magician who gets his hands dirty, versus Angier as The Great Danton, a classy, superior showman whose accent makes him appear American. Obsession, secrecy, and sacrifice increase the battle, as both magicians contribute their fair share to a deadly duel of one-upmanship, with disastrous results.
Frances Lappe challenges the common misconception that consumerism is the main problem when it comes to destroying our planet. The first thing that Lappe sees that is wrong with this is that people won’t jump at this phrase, that this phrase won’t sell. People are most likely aware that as Americans we rely on the purchase of goods and services but people also believe that it is inevitable. If people think that consumerism cannot be avoided then they are not going to want to try and make a change. People also believe that life has always been this way, even though that is not the case, which makes them further believe that change is impossible.
The way forward is regulating the industries on how they release their wastes to the environment that needs to be set at a standard rate that does no harm to the environment. For example when industries gases to the environment this leads to air pollution and the concentration that they release to the environment is set by regulatory companies. When they surpass this concentration levels the industries need to face penalties because the pollution is harmful to the environment and may cause respiratory diseases to people.
For example if everyone would do their part in recycling or conserving energy/water, that could change the whole outlook of global pollution, because if every single person would do their part we would be able to save energy or water. So if everyone would do their part in trying to conserve resources or not be as greedy, we would all be able to share resources without having to go into war. If people weren’t so greedy with diamonds in Sierra Leone, that war could have been shortened or even prevented. Greed is something that is very hard to prevent because people automatically become greedy and don’t know when they become greedier, but I feel, as though greed is always the cause of everything. (Axworthy, 2015) If we could all be happy with what we have and share things we don’t need then we would all have what we need and maybe even more left over to enjoy. Being involved with something that has a bigger meaning helps people feel as though they are part of a bigger picture and could help people/countries get along
Society is a ferocious circle that continues to spin out of control. During one’s existence the speed in which society spins is self-inflicted and continues to surge. No matter where one exists within societies circle, one must realize they influence the vicious tug-of-war between supply and demand cycles. Greedy Americans cause issues for manufactures, big business, and the environment. Manufactures struggle with meeting government demands while maximizing production output. After all, consumer products generate mass revenue for business and the government. Society neglects to consider the environment as long as manufactures continues to provide. This type of behavior represents a win for consumers and Uncle Sam. Manufacturing businesses
Agreeing with Singer’s solution, one could argue we have become too materialistic in today’s society. Our wants have overcome our needs as we try to keep up with friends in having the most. This selfish desire can be theoretically eliminated by focusing that energy on ending world poverty.
Hope is what you dream about coming true in your life. The film Shawshank Redemption directed by Frank Darabont is a story about a man called Andy Dufresne. Being convicted for the murder of his wife and her lover. Now he has to live his life in Shawshank prison for the rest of his life. Despite this, Andy tries to make the prison a better place by giving hope to the prisoners. Andy does this by giving beers to his fellow prisoners, plays music throughout the whole prison, and finally builds a library. I will be discussing film techniques for each example.
Imagine for a moment that gas was five dollars more a gallon, putting the cost per gallon over eight dollars. How much less would each person use? What if it cost 10 times as much to turn on a light switch, would you change your habits and only use what you had to? The reality of what we are faced with here is not a change that everyone doesn’t want to make; it is more of an unwillingness to lose the comforts of our current unsustainable society.
There's a quote by Gandhi that says “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.” This is relevant is because Industrial companies are consistently trying to find more ways to take from the environment in order to gain profit and it’s causing dramatic effects on our world. Take for example, oil drilling and fracking. Industrial companies try to justify these actions by saying "the ends justify the means" and many choose to just ignore what's happening because of the desire for convenience, but it's becoming more obvious that if we keep these practices up it will mean devastating results. The way greed affects our environment and wildlife should concern us because these are luxuries we cannot live without.
We have been living in a constant cycle of hypocrisy. We tweet, share, comment, and like everything that we can that has to do with saving the planet; however, after one gets done using the unnecessary electricity to power their smartphone, do solar panels charge their phone? Does everyone purposefully take short showers? Are all citizens buying locally sourced fruits and vegetables? Are there compost stations in all households? Has our government put taxes on non-reusable plastics and Styrofoam? There is an endless list of things that we can do to help the environment; however, most people are disregarding those things. Some people are ignorant to man made environmental factors, like climate change, which is leading to the destruction of our natural resources. The recently captured image of a woman on a beach exposes the growing ignorance of our society to our dying natural environment.
Since the global financial crisis hit the world in 2007, more and more people, families and households are experiencing tough times financially and more and more ways are being found to live, thrive and survive in difficult times. Combined with a drive to live a greener and more sustainable existence, more people are combining frugal lifestyles with greener, more responsible consumerism.
Most big businesses and even the government believes that it gets in the way of profit and production. One person can minimize problems like hazardous waste and pollution. Most people believe that because they are one person they cannot help the environment, when they really can. People can pick up trash, not litter, re-use products, recycle, walk to places, take the bus or subway, or ride a bike. The earth also needs the government and big business’ help when it comes to earth quakes, oil spills, endangered species, etc. These problems require the actions of big groups and the government. Doing service to your environment will really make a difference. Taking action in your community can make a difference in the future. You can help save the environment one step at a time.
It is a known fact that taste in movies is something that is different for every person. But that doesn't mean people can't agree on anything in this matter.