
Spiderman's Web Essay

Decent Essays

Spiderman’s web Jeffrey Lewis Spiderman man webs first appear at 00:45:00 when he creates a mechanism capable of “shooting” them. Throughout the movie he uses the webs for various tasks from moving around the city to stopping cars from plummeting of a bridge. Presuming that a high school child has the ability to create such a device would the web still have a high enough tensile strength to support the falling vehicles seen in scene 1:11:00? In this scene we see “the lizard throw cars” off a bridge and Spiderman subsequently catching the cars to save the lives of the various people. During the movie the web is said to be a “biocable” of un-paralleled strength but for our purposes we will choose to ignore this and assume that …show more content…

There are only 3 substances that could be considered, namely; graphene, carbon nanotube and boron nitride nanotube. The tensile strengths are 130 000Mpa, 33 000Mpa and 11 000 – 63 000Mpa respectively. Graphene is a 2 dimensional carbon allotrope. It is flexible and can take on a variety of shapes meaning that it could theoretically be wound into a cylindrical line (web) making it possible for this material to be used in the catching of the car. Graphene also stretches up to twenty percent meaning that the car could bounce rather than stopping as soon as it did in the movie. However it also shatters, because it is fairly brittle. Boron nitride nanotube is formed from graphene and has very similar properties also making it suitable except for the fact it possibly shatters being brittle. Carbon nanotube is again very similar to graphene but also more flexible possibly making it the best material for Spiderman’s web although it may not necessarily stop the car from bouncing as quickly as in the

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