
Spider Monkeys

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Spider monkeys use multi-sensory perception when choosing their food. This had been previously documented by multiple groups in lab environments. Hiramatsu et al. wanted to see which senses the spider monkeys used in this species natural habitat. The researchers focused on whether or not the spider monkeys chose fruit based on sight, smell, or a combination of the two, and why they preferred that chosen sense. They also looked at whether one sense was favored over another, or used in conjunction with each other. Although spiders monkey diets include more than fruit, the researchers focused on the seven most common fruits popular with the monkeys in their natural habitat of Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. Hiramatsu et al. hypothesized …show more content…

I would utilize the natural habitat of Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica where the previous study had been done by Hiramatsu et al. At a variety of levels I would suspend even amounts of fruit baskets. Each basket would contain a different fruit and be replenished daily. One would have a favorite fruit of many local primate species, there would be a basket specifically filled with a fruit favorited by each individual primate species, and there would be a basket full of natural but non-native fruits. I would include both ripe and unripe fruit. Over a four month period, two in the wet season and two in the dry season, I would document which species came to which basket, how many foraged in each basket each day, and their behaviors during foraging. For behaviors I would look at sight, smell, competition: hoarding, guarding, stealing, etc. for each fruit basket. I would also document how many fruits each species was willing to eat. Knowing which species are specialist is important conservation data even though it would not apply directly to my study. When analyzing my data I would only look at adults and use the most effective biostatistics analysis available to me at the time of the

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