
Speech Pathology Personal Statement

Decent Essays

The speech pathology program at Texas State University is attractive to me because it is very science-based. I have heard great accolades from alumni that they received an all-encompassing education with great opportunities in research and clinical practice. I am looking for a program that allows me to place an emphasis on what specialty of speech pathology I am interested in as well as covering all aspects of the profession. Texas State’s program interests me because of the variety of services that the clinic offers as well as the large span of research among the different professors. I would love to be involved in adult and child therapy relating to dysphagia management, and neurological disorders. I am excited to see that Texas State’s Speech-Language and Hearing Clinic offers therapy to adults and children with neurological disorders resulting from cerebrovascular accidents, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis among others. I want to get hands-on experience with this population because this is such a large part of speech pathology in the medical field. Texas State also has a whole course on the cognitive rehabilitation of clients with traumatic brain injury, which is exactly what I want to get experience in. …show more content…

I want to get experience in feeding therapy because it is something I have yet to come across in my shadowing, observation, and treatment. This specific program interests me because the therapy involves the parents or guardians. Feeding therapy deals with social, psychological and anatomical issues that need to be addressed in therapy to achieve results. This is a part of speech pathology that is not widely known and I would love to take advantage of this opportunity that Texas State offers. I am excited that this is a new program that Texas State is offering and I would love to get the opportunity to work with these professors and

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