
Speech On Pollution

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Pollution should be banned from society and our planet. This may be a topic that is discussed all the time, but we need to “wake up” and make changes now. Some of our world’s most pollutants places have damaging effects, such as birth defects, the loss of thirty to forty IQ points, and life expectancy may be as low as forty-five years because of cancer and other diseases. This is enough reason alone to continue to address the problem of pollution. Pollution is when the air, water, land, and environment is made dirty and unsafe to use. This is done by contamination of the natural environment, which can be tangible to intangible. According to a non-profit organization named Pure Earth, toxic pollution affects more than two-hundred million people worldwide. These pollutants are created from different elements and affect our society and the human race in several ways. There are many types of pollutions, such as air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, food pollution, and land pollution that have been affecting our world greatly and the human race that live in it. One type of pollution is Air pollution. Air is one of the most important elements of our environment for our survival. It is a natural gift and a free asset. It is polluted in many ways. Land vehicles use oil and fuel, which create smoke. The smoke gets mixed with air and thus pollutes air. Mills, factories and industries are also held responsible for air pollution because they create smoke. Air that has

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