
Speech On Organic Food

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Not a single person on this planet can survive without food, food is life basically. But, what happens when food can cause you your life or make your extremely sick, like being diagnosed with cancer. It is also known that too much of something is never good. Cancer is the cause of 20% of the worlds deaths, lung cancer is one of the most common type of cancers that an individual can get. Food take a major part in this diagnosis because nowadays many foods are processed and put into containers so it is easier to be transported and easier for a person to prepare not only that but it’s so much more cheaper than any organic healthy foods that someone would buy additionally they are in every corner in every country, you can find them in vending machines …show more content…

The term organic describes foods that are from plants and that grow without adding any artificial chemicals like synthetic chemicals and foods from animals that have been brought up without have any hormones or antibiotics. Organic plants are found in farms that use some methods that are not used by most farmers the methods do not use most conventional pest or weed killers, chemical fertilizers or sewage sludge as fertilizers and food irradiation in processing. The food that is genetically modified cannot be called organic. The purpose of organic food is to promote good farming practices, it is widely known that organic foods carry many health benefits like organic milk has more antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, CLA and vitamins that normal milk doesn’t contain. However, there is some debate over whether organic foods have higher nutritional levels than conventionally grown produce. Organic foods reduce cancer risks by 15% because they contain all the neutrinos that help fight cancer cells, they make the body healthy even though it is more expensive than normal food or fast food but it contains benefits that other food don’t have like it is fresher and better for the

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