Not a single person on this planet can survive without food, food is life basically. But, what happens when food can cause you your life or make your extremely sick, like being diagnosed with cancer. It is also known that too much of something is never good. Cancer is the cause of 20% of the worlds deaths, lung cancer is one of the most common type of cancers that an individual can get. Food take a major part in this diagnosis because nowadays many foods are processed and put into containers so it is easier to be transported and easier for a person to prepare not only that but it’s so much more cheaper than any organic healthy foods that someone would buy additionally they are in every corner in every country, you can find them in vending machines …show more content…
The term organic describes foods that are from plants and that grow without adding any artificial chemicals like synthetic chemicals and foods from animals that have been brought up without have any hormones or antibiotics. Organic plants are found in farms that use some methods that are not used by most farmers the methods do not use most conventional pest or weed killers, chemical fertilizers or sewage sludge as fertilizers and food irradiation in processing. The food that is genetically modified cannot be called organic. The purpose of organic food is to promote good farming practices, it is widely known that organic foods carry many health benefits like organic milk has more antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, CLA and vitamins that normal milk doesn’t contain. However, there is some debate over whether organic foods have higher nutritional levels than conventionally grown produce. Organic foods reduce cancer risks by 15% because they contain all the neutrinos that help fight cancer cells, they make the body healthy even though it is more expensive than normal food or fast food but it contains benefits that other food don’t have like it is fresher and better for the
It has been argued that organic are worthwhile because of nutrition. In paragraph 21, David Lazarus, stated, “What you’re paying for, presumably, is a more healthful diet. That means produce that hasn’t been drenched in pesticides, chicken and beef that hasn’t been pumped full of antibiotics, milk with even more nutritional value.” However, organic food is not worthwhile because of nutrition. “A 2012 study found no real difference between organic and conventional food in terms of nutrition. Its findings appeared in the Annals of Internal Medicine”(Cernansky 6). This quote shows that there is no difference between organic and conventional food. If there is no difference between the food then why change the
Traits of organic food can also be misconstrued in the sense of the ingredients and how it is different from the way processed food is produced. “In reality, certified organics have lower levels of chemical residue, Roethal argues, which is positive for consumers, farm workers and the land itself, but organic growing practices have no impact on how many nutrients, calories or grams of fat are in anyone's favorite foods”(SFGate). As mentioned previously in the quote, often times organic food can benefits one’s health because of the little amount in which chemicals and calories are in the substance. The concern about organic food is that it is substantially more expensive than non-organic food. However,“Organic food sales are increasing by double digits annually, and more than 80 percent of parents reported buying organic food for their families last year”, according to Batch. With the high-price of organic food, this could also be a reason on why people tend to lean more towards the less healthier items, all because of the low cost. Even though there are different and confusing standards on what organic really is, the ideal description would typically be foods that do not have the same producing process as non-organic food.
Organic - means food that is grown or produced in certain USDA guidelines. Organic does not mean that food is better and contains more nutrients such as ice cream can be organic and still contains a lot of fat.
For the last ten years, give or take, a “new” kind of food has hit the supermarket shelf, organic food. So in case, you don’t know what Organic food is, I’ll explain; organic food, is food produced without any pesticides, or additives, we can easily compare organic foods to all types of farming, known to man in the past millennia. When the only methods of farming, were to create nutrient-rich soil, through natural composts, to plant, and eventually harvest natural foods, then possibly feed animals said natural foods. Organic foods are important to humans since while conventional farming deposits chemicals into the earth, to grow stronger crops, organic food is all natural. This is important since, in the process of growing crops in a conventional way, our food is open to chemicals which are harmful to us, which could potentially do damage to our person. Personally, I have found there is more evidence to support the claim that: organic food is healthier, for human consumption than non-organic food for multiple reasons. One of these reasons being, organic food is safer for people to eat, as there are no harmful chemicals in them, resulting in people not receiving the levels of toxins from their food, or as large quantities of harmful chemicals as conventional food usually contains. Another reason organic food is better is the fact that organic food typically has more nutrients than conventional food.
Organic foods are those which are grown without hormones, pesticides, or synthetic fertilizers. Organic farming does have its advantages. It conserves water and soil resources, recycles animal waste, releases fewer chemicals, improves soil fertility, promotes diversity of crops, and protects farm workers, livestock, and wildlife from potentially harmful pesticides (AG). Are organic foods safer than conventional foods though? After all, they do claim to be better for consumers, which is a tactic to be avoided (Pollan). Not only can organic foods be contaminated with bacteria and synthetic pesticides, they are also more expensive than
Organic food is more expensive than regular food items. The farm machinery needed to harvest organic food is more specialized, and therefore the food is more expensive. They use the best tools and fertilization supplies. The farmers create natural environments. Organic food is grown without pesticides. Nowadays, people are using organic food broadly. The author gives lot information about organic food, and how it works. Regular food is made with lot of pesticides, and it is effect on humans. Nowadays people have cancer, more pesticides effect on IQ. 73% people used organic food, and that is good.
In the article entitled "Organic Foods Contain Higher Levels of Certain Nutrients, Lower Levels of Pesticides and May Provide Health Benefits for the Consumer" Walter J. Crinnion provides information about the health benefits of eating organic foods. To begin the article, Crinnion discusses the factors that can affect the nutritional value of foods. These include differences between growers/soil quality, weather conditions from year-to-year, and the length of time the grower has been using organic methods. The writer then compares the nutritional value of organic foods to the nutritional value of non organic foods. The studies showed that organic foods have a greater antioxidant activity as wells as higher levels of vitamin C, iron, magnesium,
Agricultural Secretary Dan Glickman states that organic food is no more wholesome or nutritious than conventional foods (Marcus 1). Although organic food is almost completely free from synthetic chemicals found in synthetic foods, they are no richer in vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients. They are not less likely to make a person sick either (Marcus 2). The higher grocery price only buys a person peace of mind, not better nutrition.
Organic versus non-organic foods are always being debated to whether they are worth the extra cost. This seems to be an easy question, at first, but begs a more in-depth analysis to come to a conclusion. Organic definitions can vary by government, company and even individuals. Many people have their own ideas of what organic means. My personal definition, before this research assignment, was that organic products were grown with no pesticides, chemical additives, or preservatives and grown in a humane way. Meaning that if it said 100% organic, that is what was meant. This however, is not the case when it comes to the government’s definition of organic, according to T. A. Niewold who wrote, “Organic More Healthy; Green Shoots in a
The secretary of Agriculture, Dan Glickman, once said “The organic label is a marketing tool it is not a statement about food safety. Nor is ‘organic’ a value judgment about nutrition or quality.” While the greatest feature for stores is to have their very own marketing gimmick, the gimmick being their products are non-genetically modified. Many experiments and tests have been conducted over genetically modified organisms and the answer they keep coming up with is “there is no good evidence that genetic modified itself causes foods to become unhealthy or toxic”, according to Authority of Nutrition. This statement alone takes the marketing gimmicks used against GMO foods down a peg. For years humans have eaten genetically modified foods and have
First off, organic foods are defined as being grown without the use of pesticides, fertilizers or heavy metals, which are thought to influence the interaction of bioactive chemicals and metabolites present during the growth process (Bernacchia, Preti, & Vinci 2016). Consequently, produce that is grown under normal, unaltered conditions is assumed to cultivate additional substances that benefit our health as compared to inorganic produce (Bernacchia et al.,
I. “The way we eat has changed more in the last 50 years than in the previous 10,000.” Food activist, Michael Pollan, makes this statement as the introduction to a documentary titled Food Inc., which discusses the way food is being produced today in America.
The articles “Organic foods: Are they safer? More nutritious?”, by the Mayo Clinic Staff and “Is organic better for your health? A look at milk, meat, eggs, produce and fish”, by Tamer Haspel, delve into whether or not the products produced by organic farming are more nutritious and or safer than those produced by conventional farming.
The history of organic foods is controversial. When consumers hear the term "organic", many expect foods that are treated with fewer or no "bad chemicals", foods that are more nutritious, or "natural", and those that are less processed or may entail closer care and attention to crops and livestock. However, this is a long list of expectations that are difficult to meet, so the question is actually whether or not the certification process and benefits are worth the hassle. When it comes to health, there is no difference between organic and conventional produce. Both offer the same nutrient benefits. While choosing to eat fresh produce is better for your health than processed food, choosing organic does not lead to any additional benefits. This
However, according to Dr. Ruth MacDonald (2014), former USDA Undersecretary and Professor and Chair of the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at Iowa State University, and author of “Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) Explained,” there is very little evidence showing major differences in the nutritional value of organic and conventional foods. According to Dr. MacDonald, both are good sources of