california extreme drought People have asked why do you have a drauth . we today about how this drought happened and how we can stop this drift and stop wasting water. There are lots of ways how to stop wasting water. and i bet you guys have asked yourselves why do we have a drought . well i will tell you. the drought can affect us animals and plants, farmers, and food and lots more. well a droth is when california does not have water. this happened because people wast water. alike you take a shower 15 to 30 min it is supposed to be 1to5 min. another reason is when you brush your teeth leave the water on turn off and when you're ready turn it back on. and if u dont save waterer crops can die and that means no food. If it keeps happening
Drought can occur for many different reasons. Drought mostly occurs by not receiving rain or snow for a prolonged period of time. This can occur if wind patterns change. Humans can also cause drought by cutting down broad areas of trees resulting in the soil in the ground being unable to hold water, a great example of this is the dust bowl of the
”Just over 95 percent of the state now faces severe drought conditions and nearly 60 per cent is in exceptional drought” (Source2). A lot of people are dependent on water. If we run out of water we won’t be able to do stuff like take showers, wash dishes, and sometimes go to the restroom. We could not take care of people that are sick and need water. Also cleaning your clothes would be a problem.
The answer to our drought will not be solved in a short amount of time, as a complex issue such as this requires long-term thinking. The state needs to update the water capture delivery systems and fix the groundwater problem due to a lack of regulation.
The consequences of our individual choices of letting the world run dry, have started to affect our towns, states, and nation. The bad decisions of human kind have not just put a strain on our race, but on others as well. There has been major populations decrease of wildlife, on land and sea. The amount of salmon being produced have gone down dramatically, and our water usage is to
One thing we could do is when we are watering our plants we can set a drip system that every day only puts a little bit of water out and only for a certain amount of time. The drip system will allow just enough water for the plants to be well nourished and survive. Another thing we could do is instead of taking really long showers we could take at least 30-minute showers. Also, we can just hand wash our dishes instead of washing them and then putting them through a dishwasher. Nevertheless by doing these simple things you could save so much water and our risk of being in a water drought will
Right now there is a drought in California and it is due to the water usage. Bach in the gold rush due to miners mining for gold, the rivers became polluted and freshwater became limited. After the earthquake in San Francisco that cause a big fire, San Francisco was in dire need of water so they made a plan to built a dam in Hetch Hetchy. Many people argue as to whether to build the dam and in the end the dam was built and that has shape California’s water system hugely. The use of water in California now has not been in the best interest of the state because The amount of water use for agriculture is disportional, laws are making us use more water than needed and the Indians and environment are being harm.
Have you thought about the importance of water recently? Water provides many things to people, from green lawns to nutritious food. An event that may have spurred these thoughts is the drought in California. They are struggling because there is simply not enough water in California to go around for all of its uses. Measures have been taken to conserve water, but cutbacks have been made on everything, even the giant industry of California agriculture. More water should be devoted to agricultural uses instead of residential uses in California for the following reasons:
Over thousands of years water has been a very valuable element in our everyday lives. Now we are being faced with a shortage of water affecting not only us, but future generations as well. The drought has become an extreme issue that has affected the United States. For example, in Texas the dry spell has had an impact in families, politics and law, religion, health care, and mass media.
Nearly half the states in the U.S. are abnormally dry. This is a situation that will be happening until the world ends. By 2025, an estimated 1.8 billion people will live in areas plagued by water scarcity, with two-thirds of the world's population living in water-stressed regions as a result of use, growth, and climate change (“Clean Water Crisis, Water Crisis Facts, Water Crisis Resources”). This is something very serious to think about. We will be looking this problem directly in the face in less than 10 years unless we all make a conscious effort to significantly cut down on the amount of water we use. For a lot of third world countries, this water shortage problem is something that affects daily life. 319 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa are without access to improved reliable drinking water sources (The Water Project). That's more people living without adequate water conditions, than the total population of the United States in 2014. As an American myself, the
California's drought is a pressing issue. There is problems with water supply, and also water restrictions. The environment is drying and is causing major flooding. There are some clues to how the drought started, like climate change. There are some companies who are actually making money of the drought.
A drought is a period of drier-than-normal conditions that results in water-related problems. When rainfall is less than normal for several weeks, months, or years, the flow of streams and rivers declines, water levels in lakes and reservoirs fall, and the depth to water in wells increases. If dry weather persists and water-supply problems
There is a freshwater crisis in the United States that is currently taking place in California. Unfortunately, this is California’s third consecutive year of drought. California has recorded the lowest amount of water in their reservoirs and sadly a large number of them have already dried up. The drought is regional, and caused by multiple reasons such as lack of rain, global warming, pollution, and over usage. 100 percent of the state is in drought, with 82 percent of the land designated as in ‘extreme’ or ‘exceptional’ drought, these are the highest levels on the U.S. Drought Monitor scale. Thirty-seven million people are affected by the drought.
Subsequently, California has undergone its historical record high third year of lack of precipitation and 2013 through 2014 has intensified the impacts that have been seen throughout the economy in which losses have been in jobs, crops, livestock revenue, and more money has been needed for the use pumping groundwater to sustain these productions. Although there are other environmental impacts, the impacts that
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the growth of climate change worldwide and the source of its cause.
Drought, like a destructing earthquake or flood, is a natural disaster. Drought is an insidious hazard to nature. It results from a deficiency of precipitation over a long period of time over an area. Precipitation is any kind of moisture like rain, snow, and sleet. One can determine how malicious a drought can be by the amount of precipitation, and how long it is (Gleick, 2006).