
Speech Neerve Speech

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Speech Nerves
As an introvert speaking in front of teachers and classmates has always been a challenge. Hearing those words “We will present next class” fills my body with terror. No matter how well I know my topic I mentally freak out. Scared that I will mess up and end up with a bad grade. Terrified that students with make fun of me. Sometimes I’m too nervous to answer even a simple question. It’s a never-ending process. As my last week of high school approached I was relieved that most of the projects and presentations were over. However, I still had one final speech. My speech for Spanish class at speech festival. Speech Festival is once a year on a Saturday, usually held on the last few weeks of school. The festival, which is nothing like a festival, is a day were all the students who are taking a foreign language class, present a speech of that language in front of a few judges. Depending on which class level you were at, one through four, would decide how difficult and long the speech should be. Level one would only have to speak for a minute and could speak about their summer or who they are. Level four, my level, would have to speak for at least three and a half to four minutes and speak about a topic related to a Spanish speaking country or Spanish art. On the day of the speech festival you would go to the school and at a certain time each level class would go. They would split each person in that level in different classes to save time, and make it more

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