
Speech From Alone Together : Why We Expect More From Technology And Less From Each Other

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Human interactions with each other and with tangible objects such as technological products, help create relationships among human beings themselves, and among human beings and physical objects. From these relationships, most people have either faced acceptance or rejection from the people or things they have related with. Some of these are results of differences in what is conventionally accepted as normal while others are just results of unfulfilled expectations from the relationships created. In Andrew Solomon’s article “Son,” he discusses that his mother modified his identity at an early age, which caused the struggle between his real identity formation and the expectation that his mother and the society had. For Solomon, relationships can sometimes disintegrate on the basis that one’s real identity does not conform to what conventionally passes as normal, because a majority of people are not accepting to standards that differs from normal. In contrast, in Sherry Turkle’s article “Selection from Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology And Less from Each Other,” she discusses how expectations from human relationships, e.g. love and emotional connections, create new fronts of identity formations with technology when human beings do not meet such expectations. From these two articles, the ideology of identity formation is a variable of relationships. Most importantly, human relationships with each other and with technology create acceptance or rejection,

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