
Speech About The Archangel Ariel

Decent Essays

The Archangel Ariel embodies feminine strength and encourages strength through gentle means, only using force when absolutely necessary. She is the lioness of the angelic realm, and as such, she champions those who cannot fend for themselves and are often victims of the power of others, particularly women, children, and animals. When Daniel was thrown into the lions’ den to be mauled and devoured, for example, her angelic presence interceded, held the lions at bay, and protected Daniel’s life. She helped him to soothe the lions and to lay down with them without fear or danger.
Ariel is the protector of the animal kingdom and keeps balance between both predator and prey. She helps us to understand and communicate with animals and to heal them. By placing our hands on a sick or injured animal and calling her name, …show more content…

Greetings. We are called Ariel, Archangel of wind and of animals and of natural resources that your Divine One has created just for you.

See beauty in the natural resources around you. Observe the natural world and the animal world for lessons and examples of how to live rightly and in balance with all things.

The animal kingdom and the human kingdom are not much different from each other. Look to the animal world to learn great lessons about moderation, strength, defense, nurturing, and symbiosis.

Recognize that all species have a place on the earth, and it is the gentle balance of all species that keeps the world in check. Be kind to each other and respect the natural world and animal world with which the Divine One has gifted you.

Call upon us in times of tribulation with adversaries. We can sharpen your discernment. We can help you see through the façade of the “sheep’s clothing” to recognize the wolf beneath. We can sharpen your senses of which individuals are “poisonous snakes” and which are harmless but give impressions of

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