
Speech About Google

Decent Essays

Opening up your browser and typing a question into google is all but commonplace for the modern internet user, ordinarily, if you have a question, you google it. Nowadays it seems appropriate to deem reading through a book for information tedious and inefficient. Throughout the years google has formulated a fast, and seemingly harmless system, the further a user clicks, the more they know. However, some have speculated that this system isn't as perfect as it appears to be. As a society, we praise google for it's ability to rapidly cultivate a surplus of websites. Consequently, this quick system has compromised our patience and hindered our ability to work through multi-step problems. Leading several to believe that google is changing our …show more content…

Praising immense thinking and recollection upon one’s surroundings is the core belief of the movement, followers strive to find “True enlightenment”, connect to nature, and to unveil their “Transparent Eyeball”. Achieving this elevated intellectual level requires one to meditate on their environment in an isolated space to find a harmony within as a result of respecting the world around one’s self. Although it is difficult to detox one’s thoughts, it is possible, all that is needed is some patience, and time. Moreover, practices and ideas from the past do not have to be forgotten, no matter how outdated it may appear to be, they have numerous lessons to learn from.

In order to understand why some are suspicious of google it is imperative to know how google operates. Essentially, google relies on advertisements for profit. In hopes to exhaust key information from a web page, many will quickly skim through the page, it is rare that a user will decide to intensely read through an article. The majority of users navigate from one website to another when they are researching, google encourages this practice by providing an abundance of web pages the searcher can utilize. Moreover, one will usually jump from website to website, trying to find as much information as possible. Unsurprisingly, this is the behavior that google wants

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