
Specific Heat Lab

Decent Essays

This experiment is an attempt to determine the specific heat of a metal object. The experiment is conducted by first placing two Styrofoam cups inside each other creating a makeshift calorimeter; then filling said calorimeter with ice water measured at zero ° Celsius. Next, a metal object with a mass of 30 grams or more is heated for five minutes in boiling water. After reaching the proper temperature of 100 ° Celsius, the metal is placed in the water. The water is stirred and the temperature is periodically read. These data points are recorded by the student to use current chemical formulas to discover the specific heat of the metal used in the experiment.

Out of the three classifications on the periodic table - metals, nonmetals, and metalloids - metals is the most prominent (Encyclopedia Britannica). Taking up 91 of the 118 elements on the periodic table, metals are usually lustrous, good conductors, have a high melting point, are highly dense, malleable, …show more content…

The specific heat capacity of an object is determined by finding the amount of energy required to change the temperature of a unit of mass by a temperature change of one degree (The Physics Classroom); quite important in discovering the varied heat capacities of different metals. Interestingly, the temperature change in an object is related to the amount of heat the substance absorbs or releases by the following equation: q=mcΔT (Wile). Where “m” stands for the mass of the object, “q” is equal to the amount of energy released or absorbed. As well as the specific heat of the object being shown by “c”, and “ΔT” equals the change in temperature. This equation can be used to find any of the single variables, as long as the other variables are

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