
Special Rights

Decent Essays

The workshop we had today on special rights has been my favorite workshop so far since I am very interested in the education of children with exceptionalities/special rights, since I am a special education and early childhood education major. During this workshop we learned about the history of special rights children in the schools, these children’s rights and how they are view, and how they observe and document these children. To get a better understanding of the values and rights of children of special rights in these schools it was important to learn about the history. We learned that in 1968 children with special rights were welcomed to attend the Reggio Emilia preschools. This is only five years after the first preschool was created. I thought this was completely amazing since in America children with exceptionalities/special rights were not able to have access to schools for decades. I also thought that it was amazing that all children with special rights were …show more content…

They also believe that by having children with special rights in the classroom it allows for more learning to happen for all of the children. I completely agree with this statement, since I truly believe that exposing children to diversity and disabilities at a young age allows for them to be more expecting of others as they get older as well as learn to work with others who may not have the same strengths as them. During this workshop it was also stated that you have to educate the possible. This really stuck with me since in special education it is so important to focus on a child’s abilities rather than their disability. I believe this approach is very effective for children with exceptionalities/special rights since it is so focused on the positive and inclusion rather than the child’s

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