
Special Needs In Special Education

Decent Essays

One would think that through the achievements within special education that our culture would be more willing and understanding of students with special needs. Even with great strides and progressive steps to improve the experience within the education for students with special needs society still does not fully understand what challenges students with special needs face daily. Culture wants to be accepting within its comfort level and does not understand that to help students with special needs or disabilities one must change to the student’s level of understanding and comfort. Within observations of general classrooms, it is still apparent that teachers want to accommodate all students, but some are still lacking the understanding and knowledge of how to modify their teaching style to help students with disabilities to reach their maximum potential. Culture is still seeing students with disabilities as being limited within their education not fully understanding that each student has different potential and needs specialized instruction (Personal Communication). Within the course and through field observation the greatest thing that has been observed is that each special education student is unique, and each has their own academic achievements and struggles. Within the course one learns that each student has their own challenges and one also learns that there are many different strategies to teach students with disabilities. Even though students may be limited within

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