
Special Education's History

Good Essays

All children have the right to an education, regardless of disability. However, children with disabilities have not always had that right provided to them. Research and knowledge-based evidence throughout the last century has greatly changed educators’ opinions and positions on special education. A key point that will be discussed in this essay is the enactment of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), as well as current and future challenges of special education.
The initial creation and development of our educational system disregarded the needs of children with disabilities. Because of very limited educational options, most disabled children were either educated in their homes or their parents paid for them to attend expensive …show more content…

Additionally, schools cannot discriminate against children based on their “race, culture or native language” (Heward, 2009, p. 19). This means that tests must be presented to the student in their native language.
Children with disabilities should be able to learn alongside children without disabilities. Inclusion in the general classroom for children with disabilities is required under the Least Restrictive Environment principle (Heward, 2009). The only time a child should be moved out of the general classroom is when his or her disabilities prevent him or her from receiving an appropriate education (Heward, 2009).
Just as with all individuals in the United States, children with disabilities and their parents have rights. Schools are required, under the Due Process Safeguards rule, to support and protect the rights of children with disabilities and their parents (Heward, 2009). This includes obtaining the parent’s consent before doing any testing with the student, as well as providing student records to the parents (Heward, 2009).
Lastly, schools must make a collaborative effort to work with students with disabilities and their parents. Collaborating on all levels is necessary and includes planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating the special education provided, as well as encouraging the child to succeed. Ensuring the voices of the

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