
Spanish American War Causes

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The Spanish american war was started for many reasons, and the effect of the war varied also. In the late 1800’s America started to Imperialis. Imperialism is building empires by imposing political and economic control over the people around the world. They started imperialising to expand power, for trade, and to spread democracy. Some of examples of place the united states imperliseded are Los angeles, Hawaii, Alaska, Japan, and several other places. The United states began imperializing which caused the Spanish American war. The other causes of the Spanish American war that came along with imperializing were: yellow journalism and rebellion in Cuba. These were the causes of the war. One big reason for U.S. involvement in the war was due …show more content…

In an effort to stop the uprising, the spanish started to reconcentration (a forced movement of large numbers of people put into detention camps for military or political reasons). Due to the lack of food and sanitation in the camps it was the cause for 200,000 deaths among Cubans.
The U.S. people wanted to get involved with Cuba for numerous reasons. One reason, was because the Cuban people begged for help. Also, American people thought it was the right thing to do. Lastly, the U.S. had invested 50 million dollars in cuba's sugar cane, rice, railroad, and iron mines. Despite all these reason to interfere, president Grover Cleveland decided to maintain neutrality. Although Cuba played a big part in the Spanish American war the were also other reasons.
Another variable that caused the war was Yellow journalism, (yellow journalism was a news article that was over exaggerated). Joseph Pulitzer was a well know yellow journalist. Pulitzer wrote for the New York Journal, which created yellow journalism. Since there was no other way to get information, the people relied on newspaper to find out information. The people read the yellow journalism and fully believed …show more content…

president William Mckinley decided to intervene in Cuba. Mckinley sent the battleships USS Main to Havana, Cuba. He sent the ship to protect American lives and investments. While they were there a fight broke out, and at 9:40 p.m. on February 15, 1898 the main blew up. This explosion killed 260 sailors. Yellow journalism covered this incident and blamed Spain. The United States wanted revenge for the act of war Spain committed, and war finally broke out.
The first step of war was signing the declaration of war. On April 11, 1892 Mckinley asked congress for the clear for war against Spain. Then on April 20, 1898 congress agreed to the declaration of war.
The first battle took place on spain's territory, Philippines. Assistant secretary of the navy, Theodore Roosevelt, commanded George Dewey to attack Spanish naval squadron at Manila bay. The .U.S. navy sank the entire squadron and claimed Philippines as their own.
The second battle was in Cuba, San Juan Hill. The unit that fought this war were called the rough riders. The rough riders were lead by Theodore Roosevelt. The unit was poorly trained and equipped, but eager to

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