
Spam Speech

Decent Essays

It’s 11 PM, and I’ve yet to even start my little blog fot today. Yesterday I remember thinking that I was gonna be writing a fun post today about my opinions on Spam and why despite it’s feces like taste that it’s amazing, and then this morning I said noooo lets write about something more inspiring, lets write about why you shouldn't always listen to books! But then my day today ended up being anything but inspiring, nothing at all got done because I was just feeling like such shit that the only things going through my mind were how horrible I am and killing myself. I was very much depressed today and you know what, I think that’s almost ironically a good subject to blog about.

What happened today was I fell asleep at midnight when I was …show more content…

In my case today I got lost in this weird idea that I deserve to die because anyone else in this situation today would actually be doing things but here I am being a dope fuck me I want a bullet between my brain. It’s stupid, but I know so many other people who have gone through similar shit. It’s so strange that the human mind loves to latch on to these temporary things like a bad grade, getting fired, or whatever shitty temporary thing might happen and make it seem as if it’s going to be this way for the next however many years, but you know what it does… and it sucks.

Now most the time when I feel shitty like this, it usually does just end with me realizing I’m being stupid and getting back to work… but there have been times where I’ve completely lost it. One such example was about a year ago, I was planning to let my head get crushed by a train after I fucked up my relationship with my girlfriend. Thankfully, I didn’t go through but I did end up spending time in a psych ward. It was actually kind of interesting in there, as I remember one of the nurses actually coming and saying “Alright kid, you’re too young to be in here. What’s going on?”

I told her exactly what was happening, I told her about the girl i was dating, how she was the “love of my life” and more sorts of typical sad desperate loser nonsense you’d expect from a loser who deserved to get dumped. I’m glad I talked with her as it really gave me a proper understanding of my whole situation and

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