
Spaghetti Monster Thesis

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Everyone is familiar with the warm, delicious mouthful of perfection they receive after sticking the red streaked fork into their mouth. They have all experienced the trepidation of swirling the slippery noodles, waiting in anticipation as they feel the warmth radiating from the plate. Everyone, regardless of age, is knows what is like to consume a plate of the most impeccable pasta, rident as they resist the temptation to lick the plate clean. It is then that the individual subconsciously realizes that there must be so much more out there than just his life and struggles. It is in that moment that he experiences his first awareness of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, who is the one who created all life and is the ruler of the universe. The Flying Spaghetti Monster should be a central part of everyone’s lives because its existence is confirmed through volumes, it is worshipped by many intellectuals, and because believing in the one true deity results in a more fulfilled purpose and an afterlife. …show more content…

Evidence about the flying spaghetti monster (FSM) is plentiful. Oregon State physics graduate Bobby Henderson presented the deity to the Kansas State Board of Education with evidence of the FSM, “We have several lengthy volumes explaining all details of His power” (Henderson). Evidence has been collected and can easily be found on the Pastafarian website. This includes sightings, artwork and design, and even how closely the E. coli bacterium resembles the FSM. This proves that the E. coli bacterium is a superior creature because it was created in the image of Him. Other evidence includes the warm feeling believers report receiving from his sauce (Yahoo). It is impossible for a person to experience this phenomenon without walking away realizing how very true the FSM

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