
Sower Of Peace Poster Analysis

Decent Essays

During World War Two, propaganda was a way for the government to entice people on one-sided political standpoints. It was used mostly in the form of posters, especially in the United States and Germany. These illustrative displays were all very unique but had similar characteristics. The American propaganda poster, “Liberty” and the German’s, “Sower of Peace” served the same purpose and audience but had very different visual presentations. The American poster depicts soldiers fighting in the Revolutionary War 1778 and in WWII in 1943. Also in the poster waves the original American flag, symbolizing the nation’s freedom from Britain. At the bottom of the poster reads, “Americans will always fight for liberty.” The poster’s meaning is that the United States will not stand by and let other countries control or endanger us, that the people will fight the same as they did during the brutal war in 1778. On the other hand, the German poster illustrates Hitler sowing “seeds of peace.” In the background lies an angel with a trumpet, representing peace and harmony. “The seed of peace, not dragon's teeth” is written on the bottom of the poster in German. Although the two advertisements differed in appearance, they were similar in audience. …show more content…

The American poster’s intended audience was all United States civilians, specifically young men with potential to join the military. The “Sower of Peace” poster’s audience was all German civilians, especially those of the age to vote. The government displayed these posters in attempt to sway the opinion of the civilians who read them. They brainwashed the public into believing what the regime wanted them to believe. Besides the two adve both having a similar audience, they also had similar

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