
Southwest Airlines

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This paper evaluates the key financial challenges facing organizations in Risk Management, Managing International Acquisitions, and Managing Working Capital simulations. Secondly, an evaluation of Southwest Airlines (SWA) management of working capital and the optimal financial strategies employed is presented. Also evaluated are the potential improvements in financial performance along with long-term and short-term strategies. Lastly, considered in this paper is whether a merger or acquisition would affect SWA 's employed strategic outlook. The financial challenges facing the company in the working capital management simulation showed how companies are able to play a balancing act with incoming and outgoing cash flow floats. …show more content…

The working capital simulation had similar challenges to SWA in that both had to deal with the ability to manage both incoming and outgoing cash floats. The September 11, 2001 terrorist attack created a lot of financial problem areas for SWA. These included an overall decline in air travel demand, increased security costs, and aggressive airline industry discounted fairs. Provided below is the airline industry comparison for 2003 relating to operating and net profit margin ratios from Mergent Online.

Operating Margin Net Profit Margin Avr: (0.47) Avr: 12.66
Alaska Air Group, Inc. -0.54 1.73
America West Holding Corp. 1.46 2.56
AMR Corp. (DE) -4.84 -7.96
Expressjet Holdings Inc. (U.S.) 13.88 18.45
Federal Express Corp. 5.29 null
FedEx Corp 5.83 7.28
Southwest Airlines Co 8.14 16.41
Trans World Airlines, Inc. -10.51 -10.65
UAL Corp -9.91 -20.46
US Airways Group, Inc. -13.49 106.58

SWA is second in the industry to Expressjet Holdings Inc. in both operating margin and net profit margin. The common denominator in both of these calculations is revenue. 2003 revenue reported at over 5.9 billion dollars made a big impact on both of these ratios. SWA 's ratio of 8.14 for operating margin and 16.41 is well above the airline industry averages of -0.47 and 12.66, respectively. The trend for these ratios is again on the increase

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