
Southwest Airlines Essay

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Employees First
Ask people who the major United States airlines are and Delta and US Airways immediately come to mind. What might surprise you to know is that Southwest Airlines a comparatively smaller airline is able to compete with these big two and in my opinion it is the best. In order to compete at a national level Southwest Airlines reimagined the airline business model by focusing on a personalized approach toward both its employees and customers. A key component of Southwest Airlines quality management philosophy is employees first. This approach has led to the lowest employee turnover amongst US air carriers and as a result some of the best customer service in the industry.
How to hire
Attitude controls atmosphere especially in a …show more content…

After baggage the next interaction with a Southwest employee will be with the customer service agents managing the boarding and deplaning of an aircraft. These individuals are great at multi-tasking while maintaining a positive vibe. Some of the duties routinely faced by a boarding agent include balancing the inbound flight, passenger needs and connecting information, along with taking care of the outbound passengers by allowing those with disabilities, small children and military personal a few extra moments to get on the aircraft with ease. The light and easy going manner of the boarding agents keep most passengers from recognizing the amount of stress the agent is likely …show more content…

This reduces the stress of having to be the first one to check in online the day prior in order to get the Alpha boarding category like you have to do for Southwest. While this may be fine for casual travelers, business passengers prefer the more traditional experience of larger airlines such as assigned seating. This view is summoned up perfectly in the following quote. “To be honest, I don’t like the mad boarding rush to grab a seat; I prefer the freedom to pick my seat beforehand. I don’t like that the availability of a preferred seat (and overhead space!) is dictated in large part by how much time before departure I check in, and is made even more difficult if there’s a through-flight and there are already passengers on board (plus Southwest’s non-policy allowing passengers to save whole rows of seats, either for people at the end of boarding or even just themselves)” (Nguyen,

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