
Sophie Germain's Contribution To The Middle Age Of Paris

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Sophie Germain was born April 1st, 1776 in Paris, France. Sophie’s family was rich and counted as upper Classmen. Sophie was the middle child out of 2 others, Marie-Madeline Germain and Angelique-Ambroise Germain. She was brought into the world around times when it was frowned upon for women to be educated, not to mention that it was also a revolution year too. Sophie spent most of her time in the house reading in her Father’s collection of books. “Their eldest and youngest daughters, Marie-Madeleine and Angelique-Ambroise, were destined for marriage with professional men. However, when the fall of the Bastille in 1789 drove the Germains' sensitive middle daughter into hiding in the family library, Marie-Sophie's life path diverged from them all. From the ages of 13 to 18 Sophie, as she was called to minimize confusion with the other Maries in her immediate family, absorbed herself in the study of pure mathematics.” One day she came across a book about a deceased Mathematician by the name of Archimedes. Sophie was so engaged by his work that she looked more into it as it interested her a lot. Sophie died on June 27th, 1831 in birthplace of Paris, France. She wanted to find out more, what did Archimedes try to finish? At a young age, Sophie’s parents did not agree with her studying mathematics because it was not allowed for women to study a lot, it was too dangerous according to the law. Plus, there was no school because of the Revolution War. That law did not stop Sophie

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