Market Research Analysis The case study of: “Sony Targets Laptop Consumers in China” -By: Kellogg School of Management, Sachin Waikar PROBLEM DEFINITION BACKGROUND AND DATA ANALYSIS In China 74% of the people own a desktop and about half the population owns a laptop, considering that half of the country has broadband internet connection, and of the households that own a laptop almost 80% have internet at home, the market for laptop in China is very interesting for Sony. Howeve, in the past years, Sony has been facing only a moderate success with a low market share and low brand awareness in China. Global image of Sony VAIO Globally the brand VAIO is known for being a “statement computer” a high-end niche product that …show more content…
(Exhibit 1) However, when compared to the Compass study, family users have a strong correlation to the characteristics of the “Unfussy basics” segment where they look for simple devices; and the “Unfussy basics” segment are likely to buy knockoffs rather than genuine because they agree that knockoffs are as good as the real thing, hence their probability or likelihood to purchase is low. (Exhibit 2) The fact that the VAIO 505 comes with a multimedia-integrated software for video & photo editing and music, it would attract the segment local segment of the Entertainment Lovers. However, they match the values of the global segment of the Unfussy basics, which are likely to spend less and not buy genuine brands. (Exhibit 2) Superficially, the segments of Fashion Oriented and Entertainment lovers in the local study, seem to be a tempting segment to choose, because they match VAIO’s values, however when calculated the likelihood to buy, the heavy users ranked amongst the highest potential consumers. (Exhibit 2) Therefore, the Fashion oriented does seem to be an ideal segment for VAIO in China, since their values match (Exhibit 4) and they have a high probability of purchasing (Exhibit 3). Comparing the Fashion Oriented local segment to a global segment they most likely match the Technosocializers who are also a good match segment for VAIO. (Exhibit
nature of children’s fashion trends could also provide strong support. The probability of quick customer
At Costco, VIZIO relied extensively on consumers to purchase their product without any assistance from salesman whom would either influence or steer the consumer during the sales. Because of their low brand awareness, they strategically placed their products on conspicuous display, right at the entrance at the stores, to catch the customers’ attention, but more importantly because their shoppers fell into the market segment target by VIZIO, 35+ years, wealthy, and with disposable income.
The Markstrat world has a population of 250 million people. Through Year 4, the Sonite market consisted of 1.67 million people with an expected growth rate of 53% over the next five years. In order to meet the needs of consumers in the larger growing segments, Company U has developed two products in the Sonite market: SUSI and SULI. SUSI is the lower quality offering, marketed towards Singles and Others who are the most price-sensitive. Others and Singles are projected to have the highest growth rates over the next five years, at 98% and 86% respectively. This is Company U’s target market for SUSI and sales are forecasted to almost double in each segment through Year 10 (Table 1 and Chart 1). SULI is the high quality electronic offering, distributed primarily to Professionals and High Earners who are driven by performance and convenience. Market Share for both Professionals and another market segment, Buffs, are expected to decline through Year 10. The Vodite market currently consists of approximately 200,000 people with an expected growth of 200% through Year 10. The Followers segment of the Vodite market is projected to have the largest growth over the next five years at over 3300%. Company U introduced a Vodite, VUGO, in Year 5 to initially target the Early Adopters segment in turn creating a strong foundation to penetrate the Followers segment through Year 10 with predicted long term sales growth of 17%.
In 2008 Sony began to partake in an unprecedented study of cross-company and cross- regional segmentation. Sony believe this would help enhance the company’s understanding of consumers globally. This project was called Compass and it included data from over 30,000 respondents. Compass created six global consumer segments: Technosocializers, Performance Seekers, Status Focus, Unfussy Basics, Functional Socializers and Quality of Lifers.
This behavior brings competitive advantages to the European luxury brands. Moreover, customers in different countries have different purchase behaviors. For instance, some countries’ customers are willing to move away from common recognized brand, because they want to purchase more exclusive products. Furthermore, because of the increasing speed of globalization, people are more likely willing to travel between different countries. These travelers will buy luxury good during their trips. In fact, Chinese tourists contributed over one third of sales in Europe. The luxury goods industry should notice to adjust the actual demand between local people and tourists in Europe
In particular, those who are immigrants are being exposed to many new brands for the first time and are having to reestablish their brand preferences. When asked to pick a buying style, 35% of Asian Americans said they are “swayable shopaholics,” meaning they enjoy the act of buying and are impulsive buyers who are willing to pay extra for image-enhancing products. They also are 35% more likely than the general population to say that they’ll switch brands for the sake of variety and novelty.
As we all known, Sony and Matsushita are two of the largest consumer electronic makers in Japan or even in the world. And in this reading, it points out the different strategies Sony and Matsushita use when they were facing the fierce competition in China ----- Matushita was accelerating its pace on stretching the supply chain in China while Sony unexpectedly decided to shift some of its manufacturing business in China back to Japan. In this article, I will discuss the reasons that lead them to make different decision as well as analysize the advantages and the disadvantages of their decision.
2. What do you think of the way the team set out to find a market for the Kittyhawk? What correct turns and what wrong turns did they make?
key success factor today as well as in the past (See PS2 to PS1 and PS3 to PS2)
When shopping for a computer, one can look at the cost and compare it to other models. For instance, individuals usually have less to spend than organizations. The HP Envy model is adequate for companies looking for greater processing power (Intel Turbo Boost) (“HP Pavilion HPE,” 2011). The Dell Studio model is a little expensive; however, this model is adequate for small business and organizations. Similarly, the HP Companies looking for attractiveness will find the MacBook’s unique design quite appealing. Overall, these three models range in price from $649.99 to $1300.00, they are high end products known for quality and
Luxury product sales boost in the emerging marketing like China, which has extraordinary growth and strong potential consumers for the development of luxury goods in the China market. With gradually lower and lower increase of revenue in the European countries, Louis Vuitton (abridged as LV in the following sections) commits itself to set up more stores in China. However, LV is faced with the problems of declining profits in China, which urges it to adjust its entry strategy into the China market. In this case, this report will focus on distinguishing the factors that influence LV’s development in China and
As a global leader in the PC market, Lenovo’s success rests on its ability to deliver consumer centric innovations in products that deliver a blend of mobility, performance and price. Design is an infrastructural element that helps define every aspect of a company, including Web site, stores, customer support, packaging, and messaging as well as its products. Lenovo has a well-earned industry reputation for delivering superior quality products. Quality is a fundamental component and commitment to customer satisfaction by delivering products that are of superior quality to comparable offerings from their competitors is the key to Lenovo’s success. In recent years, Lenovo relies heavily on local manufacturing strategies to shorten
Lenovo Group Ltd. (Lenovo) is a Chinese multinational technology corporation that founded in Beijing in 1984. Specifically, Lenovo is one of the top enterprises that produces and sells consumer electronics and computer hardware, with a focus on producing personal computer (PC). Currently, the headquarter of Lenovo is in Beijing, China, with a second headquarter that located in Morrisville, North Carolina, United States. As a multinational enterprise, Lenovo currently have operations in more than sixty countries and has its products sold almost all over the world.1 Becoming a multinational enterprise especially making it to the top of the industry is not an easy thing for any company due to numerous predictable and unforeseen challenges. However, Lenovo has successfully expanded its business and reached to the top. Therefore, the present paper aims to analyze Lenovo’s operational/managerial strategies and provide a better sense of what has Lenovo done for reaching to the current position in the global market.
Japan is the home to of the top companies in the world. One of the companies, which has helped Japan’s economy to be one of the top, is Sony. Modern day Sony is a high profit high output company, which is manly due to its marketing strategies and decision to its customers.
The consequence of the search was the distinguishing proof of a flourishing customer section that rises above the national limits of these countries. Regardless of being situated in countries including low per capita pay, this fragment of purchasers has the best worldwide utilization development and speaks to quickly developing purchasing force for extravagance merchandise extending from ultra-extravagance autos to creator