
Sonny's Struggle In The Divide By James Baldwin

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The Divide Struggle is a conflict that no brother ever wants to see inflicted on his own family. This is why Sonny and his brother unite with the common goal of terminating Sonny’s life struggles. As the narrator reads the newspaper article about his drug-addicted brother, it reminds him of a promise that he once made to their mother to not let any harm come upon Sonny. This was a promise that was neglected and repressed until he realized that, Sonny is in need of his brother’s care. The narrator felt an obligation to fulfill the promise he made to their mother. So he coveted a deeper connection with his younger brother, but because of their vastly different lifestyles and polar opposite personalities they were unable to relate to each other’s life struggles. The brothers momentarily connect through Sonny’s music, but in reality the brothers would never share the same mentality. …show more content…

We can see that Sonny’s brother has an obvious bias against drugs when he scoffs at Sonny’s friend by saying, “he looked at me, partly like a dog, partly like a cunning child” (75). The narrator associates heroin use with the loss of control over his life and therefore feels no sympathy towards this man. He also exclaims in regards to Sonny that, “He must want to die, he's killing himself” (76). To the narrator drugs are a way to lose yourself until no return, but he cannot fathom why anyone would choose to blatantly throw away their conscious and health over a

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