
Sonia Stomayor Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Sonia Sotomayor graduated from the Ivy-league Princeton in 1976 and received her J.D degree from Yale in 1979. She later immediately became an assistant district attorney at Manhattan, being an employer under District Attorney Robert Morgenthau. Later on in her life she Sonia began private practice becoming a partner under the firm Pavia and Harcourt. It was not until August 11, 1992 when President George H.W Bush nominated her for the position of a judge. Sonia Sotomayor was 43 at the time when she was inducted, at the time she is the youngest judge to be inducted. Five years later June 25th, 1997, she was nominated and inducted in the U.S Second Circuit Court of Appeals under President Bill Clinton. She was to be confirmed into the Second

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