
Song Synthesis Essay

Decent Essays

There are thousands of songs, and the artists and songwriters who wrote them. Each song has their own meaning, which the listener can identify by, can relate to. The listener can listen to the beat, the lyrics, anything about the song, and connect with it. Music is unlike anything else. There is nothing else that can mend a broken soul, get a message across, or a way to identify with as music can and will. Hundreds of songs resonate with me, that I can identify with. Yet others aren’t going to resonate or identify with the same songs that I do, that is what makes music, music. Something that can have so abounding different affects people, yet can accomplish things that other methods cannot. Methods such as medication or therapy, that can help …show more content…

This song was the second best-selling song by a male, solo singer, as of April 2014. Hayes wanted to “…try to tell somebody something” thus presenting it in music with this song. Everyone wants to feel loved, wanted and important, every human being does. One day we will all feel that love, importance, and wanted. Not only with our families, but with that special someone, that will make you their whole world. They will make you feel wanted, make you feel better than adequate. Periodically people need to be reminded that yes, things are going to be troublesome, you may feel unwanted, unloved or not important. Yet everyone is, and one day someone else will make you feel that …show more content…

Part of this song is based on one of Sheeran’s friend’s wives, whom of which plays a fiddle in an Irish band. The rest of the song is not based off of anything, it’s just a made up story. While the location he is singing about is not, Galway is in Ireland. This song speaks to me in a different way than other songs have. No, it doesn’t have a specific meaning that I connect with. Yet instead it is the place in which he sings about. My grandmother is from Bristol, England, and this song reminds me of her. No Bristol, England and Galway, Ireland are not exceptionally close. But it just reminds me of her due to England being her birth place and Ireland particularly close. Second to lastly is “Ask of God” of James Han. This song is the LDS mutual theme for this year, which is based off the scripture James 1:5-6. I like this song for the reason it can tell you that you can ask of god, no matter what the world is telling you. God can answer your questions, he can help you through the storms in your life, guiding you especially when times are burdensome. All we need to do is be humble and fervently ask. If we do so, he will answer and we can anchor ourselves in his

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