
Song Of Solomon Research Paper

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Societal views affect individual's view of themselves and the way they carry themselves. This topic is still extremely relevant in today's society and an occurrence that will be hard to transgress with time. Many individuals have personally felt the societal pressure that surrounds an individual to fit into the expected norms of society. It is human nature to want other people to like us. Societal views have an immense impact on the way individuals present themselves; we, as humans, believe that there is basically one rational way to live: our own.
The struggle of staying true to oneself is strenuous when there is a constant expectation to become who society wants an individual to be; however, it is ultimately the decision of the individual …show more content…

When placed in an unfamiliar situation, people naturally turn to resembling the others surrounding them, therefore no longer feeling isolated. Such concept is portrayed through the book Song of Solomon, as the Dead family tries to replicate the lifestyle of a white family in order to fit into the society they live in, even if it means that they are excluded from their own black community. Corinthians rejects a relationship with Porter due to the fear of her father’s disownment, she tells him that the reason for her embarrassment of him is that her father “never wanted us to mix with… people” (Morrison 195). Macon Dead believes that the only way to be accepted is to be like the white community, even if it means turning on one's own community. The embarrassment felt by individuals and the questions people ask themselves reiterates the judgement that people feel even just doing everyday activities. There is a constant sense of judgement in society that many feel intimidated by. The poem “In the Name of the Tyrant” explores this topic, it states “why does buying makeup make us feel guilty, why do we eat our food like thieves?” (Seiferle 13). The poem explores the idea of societal views and pressures that make individuals doubt their own actions and themselves. It has become acceptable for society to enforce the ideal perceptions that humans feel required to abide by in hopes of not being shamed or looked down …show more content…

Society has developed a paradoxical expectation that allows it to control the people in its image. For this to happen, society requires individuals to be passive, pressuring people to conform to norms in order to avoid the consequences with which individuals who do not value the system's values are faced. This topic raises the question of ideology and material reality. On multiple occasions in the novel Invisible man, the narrator tries to express his individuality; however, each time he tries, he is always persecuted in some way. He reveals that “I was never more hated than when I tried to be honest. Or when, even as just now I've tried to articulate exactly what I felt to be the truth. No one was satisfied” (Ellison epilogue). Society is angered by the narrator trying to pursue his own career, and this can be seen at the start of the novel when the narrator is put through a tortuous inclusion ceremony. Individuals feel threatened by differentiation, and such fear usually results in discriminatory actions. When the narrator is himself, he is “invisible, simply because people refuse to see [him]” (Ellison prologue) and accept him because of his differences. Another example of this is seen in the novel When She Woke, Hannah is segregated from the rest of society due to her red skin color, everyone knows her crime and

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