
Solution To Plastic Pollution

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I am writing this letter because our ocean’s ecosystem is in danger due to plastic pollution. According to the United Nations, approximately 60 to 95 percent of the pollution in our oceans is caused by waste, specifically plastic. In a study conducted by Plymouth University, they found that at least 700 marine species are negatively impacted by plastic pollution and approximately 100 million marine mammals are killed each year from plastic pollution. That being the case, plastics have affected a large amount of marine species. We see plastic everywhere; plastic bags, drink bottles, Styrofoam, micro plastics, and so on. Plastics also releases different types of toxins that are both harmful to marine animals and humans. Marine animals are dying every day because they are ingesting plastic waste. They also get tangled up in the debris and slowly die because they are unable to move and escape. Greenpeace reported there are at least 267 different species that have suffered from the ingestion of plastic and entanglement. One of these species is the loggerhead sea turtle. The jellyfish are a source of nutrition for these sea turtles and they have mistaken floating garbage as their source of food. In addition, these sea turtles have been found with ropes, soft plastic, and monofilament lines inside their stomachs. The ingestion of these plastics has led to blockage inside their gut causing death. According to research more than half of the sea turtles are ingesting plastic. Seabirds are also facing the consequences of plastic debris in the oceans. When seabirds use plastic as a source of nutrition, their stomach reduces in volume and they eat less leading to their death. For instance, Albatrosses are a popular species of bird that suffer from the consequences of plastic pollution. Observations from Captain Moore and his team found that the birds were eating plastic and specifically picking the red, pink and brown colors. Moore stated that the reason they were picking these colors were because the birds thought the plastic pieces were shrimp. Consequently, the ingestion of the plastics killed the albatrosses since the plastic blocked their intestinal track or stuck to their windpipes causing suffocation.

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