
Solution-Focused Therapy Case Study Essay

Decent Essays

Many parents in Anita’s poverty-stricken neighborhood are quite concerned about the safety of their children. Their surrounding areas are impoverished and full of community violence. It would be beneficial to have a social worker visit Anita’s community to advocate for the concerned parents and community members by applying a solution-focused therapy (SFT). SFT can support the worried members by finding the necessary resources to address their community’s challenges to promote change. Anita and her neighbors are highly aware of the changes that are needed for them to feel safe. Practicing SFT with these community members can help them to clarify their goals. A social worker would encourage these members to envision their solution, or what community change would look like by …show more content…

180). Using an SFT approach could help to outline the necessary steps for solving the community’s problems and achieving their desired goals. This, in turn, could impact government funding due to fewer crime rates. Perhaps, money may be saved on property damage, public defenders, incarcerated criminal care, and police and firefighters. With the money saved, the government could aid in supplying the necessary materials for the underfunded school that Anita’s children attend. #2. Anthony, Anita’s son, has become increasingly defiant. He may have PTSD resulting from his father’s aggressive behaviors towards his mother during Anthony’s younger years. Since Anita is confused about how to parent Anthony, the use of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) might be an accurate intervention approach. TF-CBT is a short-term treatment program that lasts for approximately 8-20 sessions (Cooper & Lessler, 2014). TF-CBT can aid Anita and

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