
Soldier's Home By Ernest Hemingway Analysis

Decent Essays

Ernest Hemingway: Soldier’s Home
“Soldier’s Home" written by Ernest Hemingway was published in 1925. It is a brilliant story that addresses the terrible after effects of war that a young man suffers upon returning home from serving his country. The tale gives a rather vivid account of a young soldier and his actions and lack of emotions after experiencing horrifying events that took place in the battle fields. The main character is Harold Krebs, who is not welcomed or celebrated when he came back home. There were no parades, parties or anything of the sort. Krebs becomes frustrated because no one will listen to what he has gone through. His mother does not seem the least bit interested in listening either. No one cares anymore because they have already heard all the horrific stories. He is living at home with his mother and younger sisters but he really is not involved in their lives. He is not trying to integrate himself back into society and sleeps all day and has no job. He has no desire to be in a romantic relationship with a woman. Although he is attracted to women he does not want to have to deal with domestic issues. Krebs eventually leaves home because he is tired of his mother confronting him about the way he is living his life. He wants his life to be simple and is not able to love or pray anymore. The war experience has taken his soul. I believe that there are several causes of his continued alienation. His experiences as a young man at war, what he experienced

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