
Soil Contamination In The United States

Decent Essays

The American consumer market is twenty nine per cent of world market aside from the basic essentials we need to sustain life. We need to breathe, eat and drink water but we consume a large amount of other resources and services that eventually contaminate the soil we live on. There are so many new inventions and with everyone trying to have the next best thing that allows us to pollute more and waste more into the soil. In this paper I will focus on: What is soil contamination, the type of toxins found in soil contaminated areas and solutions on how to lower the chances of soil contamination.
Soil pollution also referred to as soil contamination occurs when degradation or destruction of the earth’s surface and soil occurs directly or indirectly as a result of human activities. As Americans we tend to abuse the use of things such as cars for driving, books, paper, and computers without the knowledge of where it will end up. According to the food and Agriculture Organization approximately 40 percent of food in the U.S. goes to waste. After the garbage man has taken the materials, it ends up in a huge or small landfill waiting to be emerged into the soil. The average person generates …show more content…

It is also important that we understand how much of our waste that can be reused or recycled which a better way to be efficient and helpful to our earth is. There are ways in which a person could lower the risk of soil contamination. Buying biodegradable products and store all liquid chemicals and waste in spill-proof containers. People could also eat organic foods that are grown without pesticides and lastly simply stop the use of pesticides if they can. Pesticides are very toxic substances that can be harmful to human health and animals in the environment it also harms the

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