
Soft Palate History

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Everyone in the world is inherently unique. However, some people may have some extraordinary characteristics that define who they are. I was born with a cleft lip and cleft soft palate, meaning that during my development not enough tissue formed in my mouth and lip, which left a gap, or hole, in my soft palate and lip; this “birth defect” is treatable with numerous surgical procedures. While I am whole-heartedly grateful for the opportunity to fix my cleft lip and cleft soft palate, I faced physical, social, and religious trials along the way that together helped mold the person I am today. Just two weeks after birth, I had my first surgery. Being that I was a newborn, recovery was very difficult and prolonged. My health complications …show more content…

I transferred from a very small private school to a large public high school. When I got to high school, I expected to be judged for the way I talked and the way my lip looked; however, it was the exact opposite. I was accepted with open arms and no one questioned the obvious scaring of my lip. This made me realize that it did not matter that I was different. Because I was so blinded by my self-consciousness, I neglected to appreciate the opportunities I had been given. My father was born with a cleft lip as well, but he came from a humble family who could not afford many surgeries to fix his cleft. I, on the other hand, have had the privilege to treat my cleft lip and soft palate to make it less noticeable and more cosmetically pleasing. I was so consumed with selfishness I forgot to understand the fact that I was molded this way for a reason. My grandma always told me I was the strongest person she knew. For a while I did not believe her and thought she was just saying that to console me; however, as I face the unpredictableness of life, I want to believe her. I want to be that strong person she whole-heartedly believes I am. My cleft lip will always be apart of me; it is who I am. It has set me up to face all challenges that lie ahead, to go through life with an open heart and open mind, to be that strong, loving person my family and friends believe I am. After all, I have 25 surgeries down

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