
Socs Vs Greasers

Satisfactory Essays

Isabel Force Mrs. Sanchez English 1 24 April 2024 Differences and Similarities in The Outsiders Are the Greasers and Socs as different as they believe? These two groups are loyal, divided by their communities, and have a diverse social class. These are three themes that are shown throughout the novel multiple times. Ponyboy is classified as a greaser while Cherry Valance is a Soc, they are friends but can be different and similar at the same time. These two characters and three themes are all connected in many ways, either through each other, other characters, or events in the story. What exactly are these three themes and their significance and influence in these two characters’ lives? Loyalty, division between community, and social class …show more content…

Cherry is a girl who doesn’t want to fight between the two groups. She is loyal to her family and friends, yet she rides the line of being loyal to the greasers as well. Ponyboy and Cherry are thought to be in different communities, the Greasers and the Socs. Cherry is a Soc who lives on the west side of their town, this division is significant to her because it causes her to think that there is an invisible wall between them. Even though she crosses that wall, she has a hard time. For Ponyboy, this division makes life harder than it should be. He has to worry about how the Socs are going to react to everything he does. It makes their world feel smaller than it already is. Social Class is another theme seen throughout The Outsiders. Ponyboy, as a Greaser, is thought to be less than the Socs. They live in small homes that aren’t in the best living conditions and have to work a lot more than the Socs do to be able to afford things. It makes Ponyboy have a feeling of resentment towards the Socs. Instead, Cherry owns a car and has a lot more money than the Greasers would have. She doesn’t have to work outside of her school days and gets to live a normal teenage

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