
Socrates 'The Allegory Of The Cave'

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1. The first wave is that men and women must be completely equal. Why is this controversial? What conventional thinking does this idea challenge? (Book 5) It is controversial because men and women are by nature very different and if they are receiving the same education and taking on the same political roles then this abolishes the held notion that men are to be the more educated for fighting and ruling. 2. The second wave involves the abolition of the family. Socrates argues that for the guardian class, all families would be abolished. Why does he think this is necessary? How do families cause conflict in society? (pages 89 at 457c) The Guardians would only be able to have sex at certain times called festivals. The children that are produced …show more content…

The third wave involves the “philosopher king”. Socrates uses the Allegory of the Cave (book V11, starting on page 122) to help explain his idea that philosophers should rule, but that it would be a hard thing to accomplish. A. What happens to the person who leaves the cave? What special knowledge can be gained by leaving the cave? The person who leaves the cave is able to experience actual reality outside of the cave where reality is more than just the shadows on the wall. On the outside they are able to see the forms of trees and flowers and so on and by doing so they are able to experience their own thought for the first time. When he notices that the sun above is what makes everything visible outside the cave he forms an understanding of good. B. What is likely to happen to the person when he returns to the cave and tries to explain his newfound knowledge to the other prisoners? After being in the sunlight they would find it hard to see when entering the cave, just as the sun blinded them when leaving, the darkness would blind them when entering. The other prisoners won’t believe what they are hearing because the reality that they have ever known lies within the cave, when they notice the retrurner cannot see very well in the dark they might think that the outside world harmed him. As a result the cave prisoners might kill anyone who tries to remove them from the

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