
Socrates Should Be Furnished In Plato's Crito

Decent Essays

In “Crito”, we might’ve imagined that the dialogue would argue against obeying the laws. However, given Plato’s view on Athenian democracy he finds justification to support the laws regardless of the will of the people. In this paper I will assess Plato’s arguments for why Socrates should remain in prison and accept his death sentence. My main focus will be on Socrates primary argument, which is solely based on the premise that doing unjust actions harm’s one’s soul, and life is not living with a ruined soul. From that statement, I however, believe Socrates should escape Prison for he has not done anything to physically harm the people of Athens. The dialogue commence with Crito, Socrates old friend, whom goes to visit Socrates in his prison cell where he awaits for execution. Crito originally made arrangements to sneak Socrates out of prison and safely to exile. However, Socrates was quite at ease awaiting for his execution and so then Crito begins to present as many arguments as he can to convince Socrates to escape. He gives as his reason if Socrates refuses to escape and is put to death, he will lose a true friend who can never be replaced and many …show more content…

In Plato, Socrates crime was described as harming public by being accused of a natural philosopher and not believing in Athenian Gods, corrupting the youth. One must understand that there are two classifications of crime. Those crimes that we agree not to commit because doing so will harm others. Example: rape, murder, fraud, assault and etc. And then you have the crimes where it consists of acts that do not harm others by their performance but could harm through secondary effects. Take drugs for a prime example, the use of drugs doesn’t harm another person but once that person is heavy on a particular drug, then the user might hurt someone

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