
Socrates, Philosophy and the Good Life Essay

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Socrates, Philosophy and the Good Life

Socrates' belief was that he was called on by the Gods to live his life examining others and himself. He believed the necessity of doing what one thinks is right even in the face of universal opposition, and the need to pursue knowledge even when opposed. "I became completely convinced, to the duty of leading the philosophical life by examining myself and others."¹ Socrates believed that to desert this idea was ridiculous and would make his life absurd. Socrates chose to live a life of truth and not to worry about things that did not matter. For Socrates not to live his life by the plans and requests of Gods it would be disobedient and untrue to the Gods. Socrates was brought to court to defend …show more content…

Socrates asks the question "Is there anyone in the world, Meletus, who acknowledges that human phenomena exist, yet does not acknowledge human beings?"9 After more questions of the same type, Meletus answers no. Socrates again proves his point. Socrates brings the irrational charge down to simple accusation because Meletus was a loss for a legitimate offense. Socrates says there is no conceivable way that a person who believes in spiritual beings does not believe in gods. The argument that proved inconsistency in Meletus' answers was: spirits exists, God created spirits, therefore, the creator of spirits exists (God). It seems that Meletus did understand the laws of the court and was simply charging Socrates with any crime he could think of. Socrates goes to say that Meletus and Anytus will go on to convict many more good men and they will not stop with him. Socrates states that it will not be Meletus and Anytus that convict but the malice and slander and great hostility that will. Socrates refutes the irreligion charge by proving that since he believes in spirits he believes in gods. "I have neglected the things that concern most people-making money, managing an estate, gaining military power or civic honours, or positions of power."10 Even today to most of the human race the good life is acquiring great status here on earth. Most men need to have much material possession, meaningful vocation, and a wealthy class.

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