
Socrates 'Alcibiades' Ignorance

Decent Essays

Too often than not, people are engaged in the habitation of bad or unhealthy actions. This is not because they choose poor actions over better ones, they just don't know any better. Ignorance is a disease that is hurting the advancement of our world today, but it has been an issue for a very long time. In Plato’s Alcibiades, Socrates shows how Alcibiades’ ignorance is causing all of his issues in life. Socrates goes even further to say that Alcibiades’ ignorance can be fixed by involving himself in the habituation of good behavioral practices. Allowing one’s self to become self-aware is possible through therapy that philosophical inquiry can provide. Socrates explains that this can be through things such as a love of wisdom or self-reflection. …show more content…

When a person continually engages in a healthy action, they are benefiting themselves, their souls, and the people around them. For example, it has been proven that smiling is contagious. According to a journal posted on Trends in Cognitive Science, smiling at someone you are walking past and having them smile back promotes happiness. When we mimic someone else’s facial expressions, it triggers the same emotion in our own brains and allows us to reciprocate a similar response. So when you are walking down the street and you smile a stranger that is walking past you, their brains want to smile in return and in order to do that, they make themselves feel happy even if they aren’t. Smiling, and therefore, happiness is contagious. If a person were to make smiling at strangers on their walk to the bus or work a habituated action, they could see an improvement of the overall mood of their society. Plus, smiling is a chain reaction. So even if you only smile at one person, that one person has a higher probability of smiling at someone else because they are now happy. Happy people are said to live better and healthier lives, and we can spread this happiness just by

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