
Sociological Imagination: Personal Trouble Vs. Public Issue

Decent Essays

Writing Assignment 1: Sociological Imagination Personal Trouble Vs. Public Issue Allowing myself to see beyond my own circumstances enables me to see the bigger picture of how societal structure and institutions may be able to address a crisis in our society. On April twenty seventh of 2004, I simultaneously became a single mother, a widow, and poor when my husband suddenly died at the age of thirty five. From that day forward, I have struggled to make ends meet, financially and physically, each month. Another challenge is balancing work and making myself reasonably available for my children before and after school. My personal situation is more greatly burdened because I do not have a college degree. Therefore and presently, I am further challenged in an attempt to find an appropriate family balance as I juggle my status set: college student, employee, and widowed, single mom. It is important to include the fact that I am a widow because there are significant factors built into my circumstances that I would not otherwise have to handle, except. Other single parents, who have not lost their spouse to death, do not have the added pressure of grief and raising their children who …show more content…

Some people believe that the reason single parents struggle is solely by some fault of their own. Maybe if the individual had used birth control, or got married before having children, or stayed married rather than divorcing. Other opinions include ideas like, single parents should get better paying jobs, or move in with other family members until their circumstances improve. More distorted and extreme explanations or opinions are that people should terminate more pregnancies, or people who have multiple children out of wedlock should be legally sterilized. All of these opinions are directly formed our of coordinating

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