
Sociological Analysis Of The Documentary Babies

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After watching the documentary, “Babies”, I learned specifically about the social interaction between babies and their mothers. Socialization is a huge part in the younger years of life because it sets a basis of social norms that should be followed in that certain baby’s society throughout their life. There were four families touched on in the documentary from four different countries; Japan, Mongolia, Africa and America. Many similarities and differences were recognized and easily helped illustrate how diverse the world is. Among the four families in the documentary, “Babies”, there were only some similarities but many differences. There were only a few similarities that I could recognize. One of them was between the Japanese baby, Mari, and the American baby, Hattie. They both participated in a mother and baby class, which involved interacting with others. Another similarity between these two babies is that both of their families got together at least once during the documentary to enjoy a home cooked meal and with conversation amongst each other. Surprisingly, those were only the main similarities I noticed throughout the documentary. In contrast, I did notice many differences among these families of different cultures and societies. One difference was that the baby from Africa, Ponijao, never wore a diaper. When she had to go to the bathroom she would freely go and the excess would be rubbed off on her mother’s knee. While on the other hand, the American baby, Hattie,

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