
Socioeconomic Benefits Of Investing In Education

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Just like many children not getting enough food around the world, there are too many children around the world in need of an education. There are many success stories of which education has played a role in a child’s life, such as the girls of Room to Read’s education program for rural, underprivileged children and the results of Malala Yousafzai’s stand for education against the Taliban. Many children need the education to become more “job appropriate” (having the skills and knowledge necessary for getting a job); many are preoccupied with other things such as fear and inferior jobs. Not only that but education, especially investing in it, has a socioeconomic benefits loop. Investing in education for children in underprivileged areas is important …show more content…

Eva Hapler elaborates about an infinite loop of give-and-take in a Huffington Post article. Investing in education gives the opportunity to learn skills and knowledge necessary for the workforce. Those opportunities can be taken advantage of to get a job. In turn, the money used in investing is circulated again in a way where the employed is given money to spend (and of the like), thus creating an economic loop. A way to illustrate this is to say students will be given a loan/be paid to go to school. Money contributes to students’ academic success due to the funding for quality educational resources – they acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to obtain a job. The students then apply for jobs, accepting offers that appeal to them, call them first, and of the like. As an asset to the workforce, they now get paid. With the money they earn, they can pay the investor back and contribute to the global economy. Not only that, but with that new-found wealth comes the assumption of social status. So if some get paid a decent amount of money, other, more superior people, will not look down on them as much – they might actually pay attention. All that is stated above are good reasons as to investing in education; there are more, equally important reasons why people should invest in …show more content…

As told in his autobiography, Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard University after spending a short time there (he did not even get a degree or any other certificate), yet he became one of the most prominent leaders in technology. He did not have a plan in Harvard; all he did was tinker with the computers at the institution, which inspired him to create Microsoft. Gates became one of the most successful people on earth without higher education. However, Gates was lucky to have such curiosity, passion, and luck. Not many people in the world have such; and when they say they do, they often drop out after encountering a difficult obstacle. There is a fifty-fifty chance in dropping out and becoming that successful and not becoming that successful – it is not worth risking it, especially if evidence (integrating skills learned into tasks, such as taking care of one’s self) shows that an education helps. One the other hand, people may disagree with the idea that education is a key factor in creating a decent life because their own experiences with education. Negative experiences within a person’s educational career can lead them to say that education is not necessary; outside influences, such as parents’ involvement in a person’s educational career, can also lead some to say that education is not necessary. For example, people whose parents had little interest in their

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