
Society Influence On Personal Identity

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How does Society influence your identity? You are going to be reading three Influences explaining how we feel society influences mine and yours identity and those are gonna be: the Cloths you wear, How once everyone follows someone everyone follows, and also we are gonna be looking through birth order. Influence #1 is from the article which is, “What Your Clothes Say About You” by Learnvest. “Shopping and spending behaviors often come from internal motivation such as emotions, experiences and culture” (Dr. Baumgartner 2). So why I chose this quote is because I really think how we dress is from our emotions, experiences and culture. Why I think that is because we all wanna fit in with who’s around us, so we will buy whatever everyone else gets because we are greedy about certain things, and we just like to spend, spend, spend, and we will work hard for whatever we want. Influence #2 is from the Article “Herd” by Rick Nauret PhD. “In large crowds of 200 or more, five per cent of the group is enough to influence the direction in which it travels.(10)” says Rick …show more content…

A look at birth order and personality traits” by HELLOMAGIZINE.COM “And depending on their position in the family lineup, children will adapt their behaviour to vie for their parents' attention.” (4, HELLO) so how this effects us is that our birth order is how we act to our parents which is how we act like in society. Pretty much what that means like if your trying to make mom and dad happy by doing everything they ask, when you get order you will do the same for your boss and so on and if you're the second child you're gonna do complete opposite of what the first born did. The last child kinda does his own thing mom and dad aren't as strict so your a lot more carefree and try and make people laugh,but you kinda show rebellion towards your parents to prove that they can do things there brothers and sisters can't

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