
Socialism In America Essay

Decent Essays

Move Away from Socialism, America
Socialism in America has progressed substantially and is not bettering The United States. Socialism is a political theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. In much lighter terms socialism is where a government owns and runs everything in the country to, in theory, better the nation for the people. To increase the growth and help the economy in America the people need to learn what socialism is, learn why socialism does not benefit America, limit the federal government’s power, and look at statistics of the poor people in America.
What Is Socialism
“Socialism is where a democratic government …show more content…

Since President Obama socialized health care many small businesses went out of business or had to reduce their number of employees because they could not afford to provide health care to their employees. “Affordable Care Act (ACA) regulations are reducing small business (20 to 99 workers) pay by at least $22.6 billion annually. In addition, ACA regulations and rising premiums have reduced employment by more than 350,000 jobs nationwide, with five states losing more than 20,000 jobs” (Gitis, 2014). If America furthers their socialization they could hurt people by money inflaming and tax elevation. Socializing education by making college free for citizens may cause taxes to raise through the roof. This would limit sources of income for colleges and limit the tax dollars to be their major source of income. “Socialism seeks to eliminate "injustice" by transferring rights and responsibilities from individuals and families to the State” (Student Action, 2010). Socialism in this sense actually contradicts it self, because our liberties are taken away. With socialism brings no voice in what our government or state does, they do as they please and will not care for citizens input. Socialism in school would also oppose parental rights in education. People need to remember what the basis of socialism is, government and state controlled country. If the government or state controls the school’s, parents have no say

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