
Social Work Personal Statement

Decent Essays

I am a Latina, a solider, and a soon to be Social Worker born to Dominican immigrants in an impoverish neighborhood in Spanish Harlem. I am the first in my family to purse a bachelor’s degree and would also like to be the first in my family to purse a Master’s degree. I will like to demonstrate to other Latino’s and the younger generation in my community that getting an advance degree is very possible. I knew that obtaining any degree would be financially challenging for me living in a single parent household. However, I know that being successfully is not an easy walk in the park. I knew that I would have to find resources to continue to support my education. After struggling finically during undergraduate and having my academics suffer due …show more content…

I was very intrigued by the school of social work’s well rounded curriculum and achievements in the social work field. Also the school’s ability to offer its students study aboard programs in countries of interest to me. I have been informed by different Rutgers alumni and current social work candidates of the different program options and flexibility. I currently work as a Care Manager serving children and families in the Camden County area. I assisting these families and children stabilize their challenges with mental health, behavioral health and emotional health. My position has allowed me to view the many challenges in the Camden County area alone and the need for dedicated, persistent and motivated social workers in the …show more content…

For example, this particular family which consists of a single mother with five boys ranging from a 2-year-old toddler to a 15-year-old adolescent have been the prime example of a family who faces adversity on a daily basis. Every day I witness the family deal with many challenges that their environment poses. For example, gun violence and drug related crimes that plague the city of Camden, one of the poorest cities in the United States, hinders the boys from having a normal childhood experience. As their Case Manager, I had to witness the boys be placed into shelters, foster homes and treatment homes due to their mother’s inability to parent. Furthermore, what I have learned from watching the family go through such traumatic experiences was that the child welfare system is not only flawed but, lacks resources to assist families in need. It is because of this that I am passionate about working in the social work field so that I can make a difference in the child welfare system I believe as a future Social Work candidate at Rutgers School of Social Work I will be educated in social work research, education and training. The skills to better assess youth involved within the child welfare system. As well as, the ability to utilize intervention tools and evidence based screening from Rutgers faculty to assist me alleviate child abuse

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