
Social Work Personal Statement

Decent Essays

I believe that everyone is put on this earth to serve a purpose and that mine is to serve others. I am always the one who people come to when they are looking for solutions to their problems as throughout my whole life my natural ability to give support is why I started my education in psychology. This passion for helping others is what led me to psychology, however it wasn’t until recently that I discovered the profession of social work. Nearing the end of my undergrad studies, I realized that not only do I want to help people psychologically but socially, physically, and spiritually as well. I want to assist people of all ages to change their life by providing them access to resources for fulfillment of their most basic human needs. As a clinical social worker, I will be able to do just that and much more. With my educational background in psychology, I will have an advantage implementing theories of human development. This will give me more a variety of skills to assist others once I acquire my MSW from Simmons. I believe it’s important to broaden your learning experiences because people come from many …show more content…

As restaurant server for over 5 years, I have the privilege to develop meaningful connections with my customers. My motivation to excel shows in my work ethic as the last two years I have been awarded the title of Employee of the Year-Runner Up. Although I am runner up, I am sincerely honored to have been voted among my 200+ coworkers. Another one of my accomplishments at work includes the title of Administrator of a Facebook group I created as a way to connect with the many employees of Moosejaw. Management has praised my success at encouraging and keeping close social engagement, allowing me freedom to continue self-monitoring the group. This accomplishment I’ve made for keeping a group of people connected at is something I plan to contribute to your online learning

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