
Social Work Field Placement

Decent Essays

During my field placement I had the opportunity to develop several social work skills however the two skills I think I mastered was elaborating skill which included exploration and focus listening. During my internship I had the opportunity to interview several client where I needed specific information to develop an appropriate service plan. One incident that stood out to me, was a 16 year old female who didn’t like attending school. Both parents came to the agency seeking assistance for their daughter. During my interview with the child I had to ask several questions to the youth to figure out the barrier she was having in attending school. After asking the child how she feels when she attends school, the child reported that she gets nervous and dizzy when she attends school. Upon speaking with both parent about the child’s feeling when she attends school both parents admitted …show more content…

After coming out of foster care the child went to reside with is dad. During my interaction with him he reported that he was tired of the situation with his dad. During that period the family has been logged out of the shelter several times because of the father’s alcohol use. When interviewing the child, he reported that he wants to go back into foster care because he is tired of the father drinking and he does not have or want a relationship with is dad. When I asked him if he has one wish what it will be. The child reported for his dad to stop drinking. My respond to that was “you feel if your dad stop drinking you will not be moving from shelter to shelter and your will be able to develop and have a relationship with your dad. The child looked at me for a few minutes and responded “how do you know that?” My respond was I was “I was listening to what you were saying. Before this internship I would have never picked up on that child’s current

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